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Press-conference of Mardin, TCF and FIDE officials
press-conf previewAfter the start of the first round of the WWTC, the journalists moved to the press-center to join the press-conference of the President of TCF Ali Nihat Yazici, FIDE Continental President for Africa Lakhdar Mazouz, the Governor of Mardin Turhan Ayvaz, the Mayor of Mardin Mehmet Beşir Ayanoğlu, the Deputy of Mardin Gönül Bekin Şahkulubey.

The Deputy of Mardin Gônül Bekin Şahkulubey expressed the will of the Mardin officials to organize other huge chess International events in the city and pointed that this is the first International sport event ever organized in Mardin.

The officials from the Chinesd delegation also visited the conference - the President of Chinese chess federation and Vice General Secretary came to Mardin with their team. They prepared souvenirs for the officials of WWCF to thank them for the excellent organization. In return, the Head of Mardin presented the respectful guests a gold-covered souvenir platter.

You can find the pictures of the press-conference in the Gallery<-a>.

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